11 kwi 2009

Earning with google Adsense

Google Adsense Approval is required. Go to Adsense, fill in the application form and confirm an email that Google will send you. If you own several sites, you need apply only once. http://www.google.com/adsense

Google evaluates your site and will send you a mail within 2-3 days (usually within 24 hours).

If you're accepted, you be able to log in to your Adsense account.
Log in to your account using the email address and password that you submitted with your application, and agree to the Adsense Terms and Conditions.

Adsense Size - Adsense Ad Format

Paste the Adsense ad code in to your web pages. There are 10 ad layout choices 728x90, 468x60, 125x125, 120x600, 120x240, 300x250, 250x250, 336x280, and 180x150. In addition to text ads, you can even rotate your ads through up to 4 palettes.

The Adsense ad code is unique for your account and is not site/ page- specific. you can place it on any page or site you own. Google Adsense Click For One Click you can earn From Five Cent to Some Dollars.

How to get the most out of Adsense? Adsense Sites (or)

How to earn from Google Ads

Adsense Tips
There are three obvious way to increase your income from Google Adsense…